The most beautiful village in Spain

El Peurtos
One of a series of three paintings (so far) of towns in three countries, illustrating the diversity of ways in which we invite people into our homes and shops. Some quite inviting, some deliberately intimidating.....
My personal favourite, showing the Moorish designs on the cobbled streets which can be found throughout the village.
Oleo sobre lienzo, 600 x 600 mm
Lugar de Maria (2008)
Whitewash is never reflects and absorbs the colours of the sun, the sky and all around it...
Cal nunca es refleja y absorbe los colores del sol, el cielo y todo su alrededor
Oils on canvas, 750 x 600mm
Oleo sobre lienzo, 750 x 600 mm

Inspirado por Hundertwasser (2023)
"Cycling the Danube in 2022, I visited the extraordinary home of Friedensreich Hundertwasser in Wien, Austria. He was a unique talent, an artist who had no time for the cold, impersonal concrete structures of the modern movement and who promoted green issues way ahead of his time. Bold colours and textures feature heavily in his work and I was inspired to adopt his style on my next Frigiliana townscape."
"Pedaleando por el Danubio en 2022, visité la extraordinaria casa de Friedensreich Hundertwasser en Viena, Austria. Era un talento único, un artista que no tenía tiempo para las frías e impersonales estructuras concretas del movimiento moderno y que promovía los temas verdes mucho antes de su tiempo. Los colores llamativos y las texturas tienen una gran presencia en su trabajo y me inspiré para adoptar su estilo en mi próximo paisaje urbano de Frigiliana".

Dignidad (2005)
This old gent represents the pride that the people of the old town have with winning the prize for the most 'embellished' village in Spain, though I am not quite sure what that means. More recently it has been judged by Ferrero Rocher as the second most beautiful village in all of Spain.
Este viejo hombre representa el orgullo que el pueblo de la ciudad vieja tiene con ganar el premio a la más "adornado" los pueblos de España, aunque no estoy muy seguro de lo que eso significa
Oils on canvas 1000 x 750
óleo sobre lienzo de 1000 x 750
Largo y ventoso camino (2011)
La Molineta is a hamlet of a few homes and a bar that sit beside the winding road that leads up from Nerja to Frigiliana.
Oils on canvas, 600 x 600 mm
Oleo sobre lienzo, 600 x 600 mm
Años Dorados (2005)
The old men of frigiliana sit watching the world go by. They remain the survivors of a time when the small population was split by the civil war, with the rebels in the mountainside living a harsh existence and the fascist police camped in the village. As the excellent 'Between Two Fires' by David Baird explains, many of the the villagers were trapped in the crossfire. The civil war did not cease in Frigiliana until the early 1950s, contrary to the history books.
Los viejos de Frigiliana se sientan mirando el mundo pasar. siguen siendo los supervivientes de una época en la pequeña población fue dividida por la guerra civil, con los rebeldes en la montaña que viven una existencia dura y la policía fascista acampó en el pueblo. explica como el excelente "entre dos fuegos libro" de David Baird, muchos de los aldeanos quedaron atrapados en el fuego cruzado. la guerra civil no cesó en Frigiliana hasta la década de 1950, en contra de los libros de historia.
Oils on canvas 750 x 600 mm with solid beech frame
Aceites 750 x 600 mm con marco de madera de haya maciza
Velocidad de la Vida (2005)
Pack horses still play an important part in the rural economy, carrying heavy loads up the narrow streets and providing transport
Caballos de carga siguen desempeñando un papel importante en la economía rural, el acarreo de cargas pesadas hasta las calles estrechas y efectuar un transporte
Oils on canvas 1000 x 750 mm with solid beech frame
Aceites 1000 x 750 mm con marco de madera de haya maciza
On Show
Most of the Frigiliana paintings are to be found in Frigiliana itself and anyone visiting there when Andy is around is welcome to a private view.
Andy exhibited three times in Frigiliana itself. His next exhibition will be in 2024 at the relocated Casa Culturale, Calle Real, Frigiliana.
He will also be exhibiting at the Winchester Discovery Centre (date to be confirmed).

"Captura de la luz y del ispiritu de est lugar. Bello, tranquilo, acogedor" (Esther, Spain)
"exposition formidable!" (Julian, France)
"Excellent - keep up the good work!" (Chris, South Coast Radio, Nerja)
"Wonderful paintings!" (Petra, Germany)
"Enjoyed the more modern paintings tremendously" (Richard and Kathy, California)
"Evocative reflections of a beautiful place" (Jane, London)
"Me gusto esta pueblo mucho, esta casa tambien muy bonita" (Hidetaka, Osaka)
"Muy bonito! Genial!" (Cecilia, Frigiliana)